It’s mid-September, we’re currently hosting our first surf & yoga week for the 2019/2020 season. Yessssss, Winter waves are on their way.

We believe in the combination of surf and yoga. For those heading out to the waves this Winter, you may enjoy the below yoga poses to prepare yourself for your upcoming surf holiday.

Paddling in the ocean, popping up from lying horizontal on your board to standing, both require a lot of upper body, core and arm strength, as well as flexibility in the hips. So poses that mimic the pop up and paddling position are all great, as well as balance poses for, well, bringing you into balance among other benefits.

Extended Childs Pose

Ease yourself into your practice gently. Focus on the sensation of opening up your hips, sitting on your board waiting for waves will be more comfortable with flexible hips.

Downward Dog

Great for strengthening wrists, arms, legs and upper body. You can also incorporate core exercises by raising alternative legs and drawing one knee at a time to opposite elbow.

Plank to Chaturanga to Upward Dog

Great for mimicking the movement of popping up on your surf board, and plank held on its own for 30-60 seconds is excellent for strengthening the upper body, core and legs.

Pigeon Pose

Another fantastic hip opener!

Crow Pose

Great for arm balance, upper body strength and overcoming the fear of falling forward on your face, or nose diving as we say in surfing.  If you’re new to the pose, you may like this free 7 min tutorial from one of our favourites Yoga With Adriene:

Tree Pose

Another lovely balance pose. Great for stability. If you’re feeling rooted and you’d like to challenge yourself further, try closing your eyes.

Breathwork & Meditation

Both can help significantly with calming the mind. Helping you connect with yourself, the waves and the present moment.